
I am from the UK and retired from paid employment – mind you I seem to work longer hours now than I ever did before – only now I am enjoying myself so much more.

Back in my youth I travelled a great deal and collected many memories and photographs.

Then in my 40s I took myself off to University and gained a BScHons and an MA.

Now I am fulfilling an ambition to write and have 4 published books – the first 3 of the Sefuty Chronicles and 1 collection of short stories.

Apart from reading and writing I have too many interests to list but among them I would list science, crazy patchwork, gardening, cooking (and eating!) anthropology, singing, living history, free form crochet and art doll making

I recently discovered that I had Dyspraxia which although not a lot of use now (would have been helpful at school but 50 years ago or so they hadn’t yet labelled the condition!) did help me make sense of some of the frustrating and hurtful things that had occurred in my life.  Labels do help sometimes.  Apart from the ‘clumsy child/adult’ part of the condition it also impinges on the written word – I do not SEE mistakes on the page.  I have been known to write a whole page with no full stops and not seen it even when reading the page out aloud!  I have a variety of software now to help me ‘notice’ mistakes but the best help I have for being an author is my friend from forever/editor who is mentioned a great deal in my blogging.  She understands my mind and wrests my writing back from disaster – sometimes I venture without her – please bear with me!

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